Chris Dunfield
Stacey Knapp
English 1A
8 May 2013
Annotated Bibliography
CARRAWAY, LESLIE N. American Midland Naturalist. Jul2011, Vol. 166 Issue 1, p1-12. 12p.
Annotation: the author is credible on the subject and uses a large variety of sources when making that clear; specifically sources cited from university presses and other scholars. He uses a large variety of sources that are concerned with specific facets of the subject, corporate culture and the environment. The intended audience is the concerned intellectual, but it is written fairly generally and does not require much previous exposition to facts surrounding the subject. Furthermore, it is written by the Environmental Civil Society, and thus is also intended to reach anyone concerned with the health of the environment and trends on rate of consumption and renewal of precious resources. This article correlates to my topic because it deals with the problems of corporate destruction of environment and the attempt to stop it by NGO's, or non-governmental organizations. This article sheds light into ways to fix these problems and in the past the effect of NGO's in trying to stop this environmental destruction.
Hawes, Colin. China Journal. Jan2008, Issue 59, p33-61. 29p. 1 Chart
Annotation: The author reports on the ways in which corporate culture is represented in China. It shows how corporations, even in China, try to publicly represent their culture. The author is credible on the topic and does a lot of prior research on corporate culture in the global west and 'public culture' in China. He offers valuable and informative insight on how the western corporate culture has been taken and remolded by Chinese corporations to fit the political, social, and business sectors of their society. The intended audience are people interested in the way the corporations and the cultures that they create and commercialize fit into society and the general public. This is different that the other work I cited because it deals with the cultures and ideology behind corporations, and gives one and idea of their perspective, something valuable when trying to discern the truth or formulate and argument, as well as shed further light on my topic.
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